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1APTITUDE Trainers

Our trainers are motivated to help you achieve your fitness goals and create sustainability, as Health & Fitness is a long term journey. We promote transformation IN & OUT.

Trainers: About Me

Ka Jin

Owner, Founder & Trainer

I was lanky during my junior college years. Working out became necessary to excel in sports. Soon i realised that fitness not only help my body, my mind was too.

The constant physical challenge we put ourselves into allow us to believe that we can do anything, as long as we put our mind into it and do actual things. opportunities present themselves everyday, you don't need a good time to start because anytime is; Be ready and stay true to your goals!

Trainers: About Me

Introducing: Rachel!


As a girl who was once overweight and had second thoughts about stepping into the gym, engaging in fitness activities has boosted my self-confidence tremendously. If you are committed to achieving a healthier and better version of yourself, let me guide you through this journey!

Trainers: Team Members
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